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Custom-Made Murder (A Chocolate Centered Cozy Mystery Book 8) Page 9

  “Soon, Jeff.” She reached out to touch his cheek, but stopped as she recalled the rules of visitation.

  “Soon.” He nodded

  Chapter 11

  As Charlotte headed to the chocolate shop she thought back over everything that Jeff told her. Her mind fixated on the graffiti. Someone was upset enough with Dean to spray paint his building. That might be the best lead they had so far. She parked in the parking lot at the chocolate shop and noticed that there were no cars there. She stepped inside the shop and found Ally setting up for the day.

  “Morning, Ally.”

  “Morning again.” Ally turned to look at her. “How did it go?”

  “I know he’s innocent, Ally, but it’s not going to be easy to figure out who did it.” She filled her in about what she found out about the vandalism.

  “Interesting,” Ally said.

  “I keep hoping that something will change, and Jeff will walk right out of that jail cell.”

  “It will, Mee-Maw, I know it will.” Ally smiled.

  “Okay, let’s get to work.” Charlotte brushed off her apron.

  “I have a batch of chocolates to get out in the back, do you want to do it, or would you rather handle the counter?”

  “The back if you don’t mind. I’m not sure I’m ready to deal with people, yet. It’s horrible going to a place like that.” Charlotte met her eyes.

  “Yes, it is. And to think that an innocent man can be behind bars for something he didn’t do.”

  “Yes, I’m afraid that is a lot less surprising to me, but I have a few more years of experience than you.” She patted Ally’s shoulder, then stepped into the back. Ally wiped down the counter and checked on the displays. Although she paid attention to every detail, her focus was elsewhere. When her cell phone rang she was relieved to have a distraction.

  “Hi Luke.” She smiled at the sound of his voice.

  “How did it go? I thought you were going to text or call?”

  “I’m sorry, I completely forgot. Actually, Mee-Maw stopped me from going. She visited Jeff instead.”

  “Oh? I guess I can understand that.”

  “You can?”

  “Sure. She doesn’t want you to have that impression of Jeff.”

  “That’s what she said.” Ally frowned. “She did find out a little more information.”

  “What kind of information?”

  “She talked to him about the graffiti, and it turns out that Dean did a bit more investigating on his own.”

  “Oh really? Did he find anything?” His voice grew tense with anticipation.

  “Unfortunately, no. He even put out a reward for anyone who gave him information. He was pretty surprised when he didn’t get any responses. So, yet again, we have nothing to go on.”

  “Actually, that might be something.”

  “What might be?”


  “Luke.” She sighed. “I don’t understand.”

  “The fact that he got no responses after putting out a reward, is actually very telling. If anyone on the street knew who did it, that person would have come forward to collect the reward.”

  “So if no one came forward, then maybe no one on the street knew who did it.” She nodded.

  “Because, it wasn’t someone on the street. It wasn’t just some kid, or a random criminal.”

  “You mean it was someone that intentionally targeted Dean, someone Dean would never suspect.”

  “Yes, exactly. It doesn’t narrow down our suspect pool by much, but it does give us something to look into.”

  “How do you plan to do that?”

  “I’ll go through the list of people we have as having a connection to Dean and see if any have a history of vandalism. It’s a long shot, but it might turn up something. I’ll look into it right away.”

  “Thanks Luke. I really hope we can find something.”

  “Me too.”

  Ally hung up the phone and began to walk towards the back to update her grandmother. Before she could, the bell above the door rang out. In waltzed Mrs. Bing, Mrs. Cale and Mrs. White.

  “Hello ladies.” She smiled at them as they walked up to the counter. “I wondered if you would be in today.”

  “I heard rumors about a delicious new chocolate?” Mrs. Cale began to look through the sample trays.

  “Oh yes, there are plenty to choose from.” Ally gestured to the tray that held the new chocolates. “I’m looking forward to finding out how you like them.”

  “From what Mrs. White and Mrs. Bing have said, I’m sure they will be delicious.” She plucked a few from the tray, while Mrs. White and Mrs. Bing selected from the other trays. As they began to exclaim about how much they enjoyed the chocolates, Ally recalled that Mrs. White was involved in the same play that Chris was.

  “Mrs. White, how is the play going?” She replaced some chocolates on the sample trays.

  “Very well, thank you for asking, Ally. I’m quite happy to be taking part in it. The costumes, are amazing. You should come see one of the shows.”

  “I’d like to do that. I hear that Dean provided some of the jewelry.” She caught Mrs. White’s eye.

  “Don’t you mean Jeff?” She offered a light smile. “He is the one that made the beautiful jewelry, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, as far as I know.” Ally frowned. “The order was supposed to go to another shop, Silvio’s, but it was switched to Dean’s at the last minute.”

  “Yes, I heard about that. Too bad for Silvio, and Troy. But the jewelry is flawless.” Mrs. White swatted Mrs. Bing’s hand away so that she could snatch one of the chocolates from the tray.

  “Do you know Silvio and Troy?” Ally studied her. It shouldn’t surprise her, as Mrs. White, Mrs. Cale, and Mrs. Bing, seemed to know everyone, both local and in the nearby towns.

  “I don’t know Silvio too well, but I do know Troy. I watched him grow up. He is from Broughdon, his parents were always putting him in the local sports and activities. I think they sensed even when he was young that there was something a little off about him.” She sighed.

  “Off?” Ally raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

  “Oh you know, shy. He didn’t ever seem to make friends easily and even though his parents encouraged him to be social, he always found ways out of it. He’d get hurt, or sick, or he would just refuse to participate. I think eventually his parents gave up, and then after that I didn’t see much of him. It must have been lonely for him on that big farm though.”

  “Poor kid.” Ally frowned. “I was pretty shy as a kid, too, and the last thing I would have wanted was to be forced into activities.”

  “I think they just wanted the best for him.” Mrs. White shrugged. “Not every kid is going to be social. Living on a farm can make it more difficult.”

  “He grew up on a farm, hmm?” Ally smiled. “That must have been fun for him.”

  “Oh yes, Troy was always on the farm. It’s a huge piece of land in Broughdon.”

  “Really? I didn’t know that.” Ally poured them each a cup of coffee to go with their chocolates. “Did he go to school around here, too?”

  “No, he went to a private school in Broughdon. His parents always seemed like they were trying to give him the best. I don’t know them well, but they seem like nice people.”

  “He was very polite to me. I can see why he does well as an assistant manager, making the deliveries and serving customers.”

  “It’s nice to see that he finally has a job.” Mrs. Cale rolled her eyes. “I can remember when he was getting fired left and right.”

  “When was that?” Ally added a few more pieces of chocolate to the sample tray.

  “I guess he was just eighteen, or nineteen. He wasn’t very reliable, according to the rumors I heard. He’d get a job, then fail to show up, or show up late. It took a little while for him to learn to be responsible I guess.”

  “Is he married?” Ally rested her hands on the counter. “I didn’t notice a ring on his finger.”<
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  “No, not that I know of. In fact, I can’t recall him ever dating any of the local girls. Maybe he dated someone in Broughdon though.”

  “Maybe.” Ally nodded. “What about Silvio, are any of you familiar with him?”

  “Oh Silvio.” Mrs. Bing fluttered her eyelashes. “Now, he is quite dreamy.”

  “Stop it, he’s not on the market.” Mrs. White wagged her finger at her.

  “His wife lives in Florida!” Mrs. Bing huffed. “It’s not as if they are really together.”

  “Interesting.” Ally grinned. “So Silvio is a heart throb?”

  “I wouldn’t say that.” Mrs. White shook her head.

  “I would.” Mrs. Bing giggled. “I’ve run into him a few times here in Blue River, and he always holds the door for me, he is so polite.”

  “Is he in Blue River often?” Ally listened intently.

  “I think one of his favorite restaurants is here. I know I’ve seen him and Dean together for lunch at least once.”

  “Even though they were rivals?”

  “I think it was before Dean opened up shop. You know, they used to be friends.”

  “They did?” Ally’s eyes widened. “No, I didn’t know that. How close were they?”

  “I couldn’t really say. I saw them together a few times in town. Once I saw Silvio and Dean at the diner, and another time I saw them walking through the park. They seemed chummy.” She shrugged.

  “Interesting. Silvio never mentioned them being friends.” Ally narrowed her eyes. “Maybe I should speak to him again.”

  “Maybe you should.” Mrs. Cale looked into her eyes. “I may not have known Dean well, but I’m certain the man didn’t deserve to die. I’m also certain that Jeff didn’t do this.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” Ally walked around the counter to join them. “I don’t think he did this either. If any of you think of anything that might be helpful, please let me know.”

  “We will.” Mrs. White took her hand. “I know this is a difficult time, but you really should come see the play. Maybe it can take your mind off things. Bring Charlotte, too.”

  “Thank you, I think we will do that if we get the chance. I’d love to see your work.”

  “I’d love for you to see it, too.” Mrs. White nodded to the other women. “Let’s go, ladies. I’m sure that Ally has other things to do.”

  “We’ll be back to order chocolates!” Mrs. Bing waved over her shoulder as Mrs. Cale and Mrs. White escorted her towards the door. Ally had noticed that Mrs. Bing seemed to have had a change of heart about Jeff being guilty, or at least she made it seem that way in front of everyone.

  Once they were gone, Ally replenished the samples.

  “Are they gone?” Charlotte poked her head out of the kitchen.

  “Yes, Mee-Maw. It’s safe to come out.”

  “Oh, thank goodness. I thought they might never leave. I was just waiting for one of them to gossip about Jeff.” Her cheeks flared as she stepped up next to Ally.

  “Actually, it was the opposite. They all seemed very supportive of Jeff. In fact, thanks to them, I now know a lot more about Troy, and even Silvio and Dean. Apparently, Silvio and Dean were once friends.”

  “Really? I didn’t know that. I wonder if they had a falling out.”

  “I think they must have, as Silvio didn’t mention their friendship.” Ally rested her hands on the counter and stared out through the front window. “I really think there’s something there we need to connect.”

  “I thought we decided that Silvio was too weak to kill Dean? Are you thinking differently now?”

  “I’m not sure. I just have this feeling that we need to put two and two together. Maybe we should visit Silvio again?”

  “That’s not a bad idea.”

  “And also, I think we should pay a visit to the play. Maybe after we close today.”

  “I don’t think it’s open yet.” Charlotte pulled out her phone. “I have it on my calendar as starting this weekend.”

  “I’m sure if they are about to open they are doing daily rehearsals. We can find our way in, and get a private showing.” Ally tapped her fingertips on the counter. “I want to talk to Chris again. Maybe he knows something, and just doesn’t realize that it’s relevant.”

  “All right.” Charlotte walked over to the register as a customer walked in. “Sounds like a plan.”

  For the rest of the day Ally and Charlotte switched between the register and the kitchen.

  Ally lost herself in the process of making some chocolates, and for the first time since Jeff had been arrested, she felt herself relax. The smell, the texture, and the memories that both stirred within her, drew her back into a state of childlike wonder. It wasn’t until she heard her grandmother’s voice that she surfaced from it.

  “Ally, I’ve already shut down the register. Do you need any help back there?”

  “No, I’m okay, Mee-Maw. I’ll be right out.” Ally took off her apron and made sure everything was straightened up in the kitchen area. Then she put together a large sampler box of chocolates. When she met her grandmother in the front of the store, Charlotte already had the counters wiped down.

  “I thought it might be nice to bring some chocolates with us when we crash the rehearsal,” Ally said.

  “Oh? So, you still think it’s a good idea?”

  “Absolutely. It’s important to turn over every stone. Don’t you think?”


  “Now, let’s go see a play.”

  Chapter 12

  On the drive to the auditorium, Charlotte could barely sit still, she couldn’t stop fidgeting.

  “I just hope that Chris can tell us something,” Charlotte said.

  “The more I thought about it, the more I realized that seeing as he was one of the last people to see Dean alive, along with Jeff, and the killer, I really think he might have overlooked something, or saw something that he didn’t even realize was evidence.”

  “Yes, that could definitely be possible. I bet he was in a rush, with all of the things he needed to arrange for the play.”

  “Let’s just hope we can jog his memory.” Ally pulled into the parking lot of the auditorium where the play was to be held. She noticed a line of cars parked near a side door. “That must be where they are rehearsing.” She parked a space away from the last in the line of cars. After she stepped out, she waited for her grandmother to get out as well.

  “What if they don’t let us in, Ally?”

  “We have the chocolates, remember?” Ally winked at her. “Nobody can turn down one of Charlotte’s chocolates.”

  “Let’s hope that holds true.”

  Ally led the way to the door, and noticed that it was propped open with a small block of wood. Carefully, to make sure that the wood remained in place, she opened the door, then stepped inside. Charlotte followed right after her. The auditorium was dark, aside from the lights up front near and above the stage. Several actors were engaged in a scene on the stage. Ally paused for a moment to take in the sight of the costumes and scenery designs. Were it not for the murder investigation she would be thrilled to have a preview of the play.

  “Look, there are some seats up front.” Ally guided Charlotte towards the front row of seats.

  As they settled into the chairs, Chris turned to look at them. After a second, a flicker of recognition softened the surprise in his expression.

  Ally smiled in return and looked at her grandmother.

  “I think he’s fine with us watching.”

  As the play unfolded before her, Ally almost forgot about their purpose for being there. The actors were quite skilled at keeping her engrossed in the story.

  “All right, that’s enough for today.” Chris clapped his hands. “Great job!”

  “Bravo!” Charlotte clapped as well.

  Ally joined in, and smiled at the actors as they left the stage.

  A few came over to greet them, and Mrs. White popped up from behind the scenes.
/>   “Charlotte, Ally, I didn’t expect to see you here! I mean I know I told you to come and have a look but I didn’t think you would so soon.” She smiled at them. “Did you like what you saw so far?”

  “Oh yes.” Charlotte’s eyes glowed as she described the scenes that she enjoyed the most.

  Ally’s attention turned towards Chris. She watched as he lifted up a few boxes and headed for the side door.

  “Mee-Maw, I’m going to see if I can speak with Chris.”

  “Oh yes, I’ll come with you.” She said a quick goodbye to Mrs. White, then followed Ally to the door.

  “Hi Chris.” Ally paused beside his van.

  “Hi.” He smiled as he set the boxes inside, then turned to look at her. “It was nice of you two to come tonight.”

  “I hope it wasn’t too distracting.” Charlotte frowned.

  “Not at all. It’s always good to have an audience.”

  “We brought you these.” Ally held out a box of chocolates for him. “For you and the actors.”

  “Just don’t leave them alone with Mrs. White. You might not get any if you do.” Charlotte grinned.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” He laughed. “Thank you so much for this. So be honest, what did you think?”

  “The rehearsal looked great.” Ally smiled. “We can’t wait to see the finished product.”

  “We’re still working out a few hiccups, but so far so good. It makes a big difference having the right decorations and props.” He ruffled his hair. “It’s quite a job.”

  “I know Mrs. White is thrilled to be part of it all.” Ally slipped her hands into her pockets. “She’s a very talented person.”

  “Yes, she is. Actually, she’s the reason I switched my order to Dean’s shop. That, and the price difference. She couldn’t stop raving about Jeff’s work, and once I saw it, I was convinced. He doesn’t just make jewelry, he pays homage to the styles and techniques of the different eras. It allows me to keep our play authentic.”

  “I’m sure Jeff would be happy to hear that.” Charlotte nodded with a small smile.

  “Yes, sorry about the trouble he’s in, I didn’t realize that he was the one arrested for the crime when Ally called me to ask about Dean.” He cleared his throat. “For what it’s worth, I don’t believe it for a second.”